Solyndra ‘Scandal’ About Big Oil, King Coal Power And Intimidation

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  1. Hornz:

    The government does not belong in private business or any consumer driven marketplace. If the government wants to get involved in the marketplace it should restrict itself to insuring an even playing field by not appeasing foreign competition because it needs those same competitors to finance the spending it creates by funding an over reaching non-constitutional crony capitalist welfare state.

  2. Dave Johnson:

    WHY doesn’t the government belong in private business? You left that out.

    Of course We, the People have every right to do anything we decide to do.

  3. Hornz:

    Because there is no constitutional authority for involvement in the marketplace…state cotrolled markets are what you find in communist countries along with the lack of freedom, one size fits all, and only opportunity for those involved in government,…eventually that lack of opportunity leads to reduction of goods and services as those who consume quickly out number those who provide as their is no incentive to fill the trough vs emptying the trough.

  4. Dave Johnson:

    Corporations and the “marketplace” as you call it are entirely creations of government in the first place. They don’t even exist except as a creature of the government. Money doesn’t exist except as a creation of government. Contracts don’t exist.

    I wonder where you got your ideas about the government and Constitution? Have you even read it?

  5. Hornz:

    I said Constitution, not something written by Marx or Engels ..there is nothing in the Constitution about the federal government creating private corporations which makes me wonder if you have ever read the Constitution…my ideas about government and the Constitution are based in our founding fathers beliefs of a small federal government with limited and defined powers which make individual liberty paramount to any govening body…not the cradle to grave entitlement state that the large, limitless, undefined powers generated by a top down autocratic governing body,,,please enlighten with your basis for the views you express regarding governments intervention in the marketplace…