Occupy Movement Is Spreading And Growing
… Amid chants demanding that the cuts be forestalled — with suggestions for alternatives, including tax hikes — 43 demonstrators were escorted from the intersection (see video, above) by police and issued citations for pedestrian failure to “exercise due care,” or for blocking traffic. Those cited included four protesters using assisted mobility devices and at least one centenarian.
Moving Money From Banks
In conjunction with the Occupy Movement, people have started to move money from the too-big banks to non-profit credit unions that exist to actually serve the customers instead of the few at the top. 650,000 pedople moved from banks to credit unions just in October — more than all of the prior year — and early estimates of the recent November 5 action calculate that perhaps $60 billion was moved.
Occupy The Super Committee
Congress’ supercommittee of the 1% is discussing how much money to take out of the economy of the 99% by cutting back on the things our government does for We, the People. They want to cut the deficits that resulted from tax cuts for the rich and huge increases in military spending — without undoing those. So now a group is setting up to occupy the supercommittee. The Occupied Super Committee Hearing of the 99%
OccupyWashingtonDC to hold Occupied Super Committee Hearing for the 99%
Wednesday, November 9th at 11:00 AM
OccupyWashingtonDC.org will hold a hearing on the economy for the 99% that will examine how to create a fair economy for all Americans.
The Occupied Hearing will contrast with hearings on Capitol Hill which are destined to enrich the 1% and protect major donors.
The Occupied Super Committee Hearing for the 99% will examine critical issues facing the economy and the federal budget. The hearing will include testimony from people with great understanding of the issues facing the country as well as comments from the 99% who are directly affected by the economy.
Hundreds Of Thousands Of Views Of A Congressman’s Occupy Video
How often does a member of Congress put a video on YouTube and quickly get hundreds of thousands of views? Keith Ellison (D-MN), Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, made a video for the “CongressionalYoutube Town Hall” series, talking about the Occupy Wall Street movement. The video has received 340,000 views as of Tuesday morning.
Occupy Everywhere And Everything
Possible new Occupy actions include places that the government is ignoring its responsibilities, and people are sick of just taking it. Some ideas:
Encouraged by the Occupy Movement, more and more people are finding their voice and speaking out.
This post originally appeared at Campaign for America’s Future (CAF) at their Blog for OurFuture. I am a Fellow with CAF.
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