Why Mitt Romney Hates Unions

The new owner, American Pad & Paper, owned in turn by [Mitt Romney's] Bain Capital, told all 258 union workers they were fired, in a cost-cutting move. Security guards hustled them out of the building. They would be able to reapply for their jobs, at lesser wages and benefits, but not all would be rehired.

Outsourcing jobs to places where people don’t have a say so they can’t demand good wages, firing people and making them reapply for their jobs but at half the pay, gutting people’s benefits, stripping companies, treating employees like throwaway Kleenex, closing factories, stealing pensions, borrowing and pocketing… Locust capitalism. Chop shops. That’s Mitt Romney’s view of how to make money. Unions are in the way.

What Is Business-Friendly?

Some quick thoughts about what “business-friendly” really means: (add your own thoughts in the comments)

Business-friendly =

Low wages

Longer hours

No health benefits

No pensions

No vacations

No sick pay

Low taxes on the wealthy and their corporations

“Smaller government,” — which means less “We, the People” in charge of things:

    No safety rules No privacy rules No food inspections No environmental protections No consumer protections No citizen access to courts Arbitration Tort “reform” which means restricted access to courts

So what are your thoughts on this argument that we need to be more “business-friendly?” What does the phrase even mean? And what happens to the idea that We, the People have an economy for our own benefit?

This post originally appeared at Campaign for America’s Future (CAF) at their Blog for OurFuture. I am a Fellow with CAF.

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